Friday, December 12, 2014

Athena Came By And She's Pissed.

She rose from her pedestal, descending in a monolithic leap of faith, her softened stone heal found the earth
and it shook.

"Here me! I have sounded you for a certainty and found you wanting."

Ageless and ancient the eyes that have seen and heard the wiles and wales of the mass below for an eternity...and then again. Cheeks rise and pigeon from lips carved, nay chiseled and pursed.  She smells like cardamom and coffee from the East.

"THEREFORE! Rather than spit you out and start again. I will gnash you together until there is no more distinction, no more individuality, no more YOU or THEM. Legs and arms and torsos, mashed like potato and herb until it is one mass of red and brown and yellow and black and blue and pink, a rainbow of flesh blood Bone fluids and identity.

From now on you will look in the mirror and see him, or her, them, and not know the difference. You will eat when they eat. You will drink what they drink, watch what they watch and laugh when they laugh. You will become fracture, splinter, dispersed like a mist into a larger cloud and you will call it "REALITY" and "NORMAL". 

The rain began to fall, marking her floured skin spotted. She looked up into the Sun. 

"How did we let it get like this?"

Then she turned her eyes to the shadows before her, wiped the rain from her eye, then returned to her place above the earth.